We've made Markup Hero useful even without an account. We feel this is important to give users a chance to really learn and benefit from the product before committing to creating a user account. For some users, there may never be a reason to create an account, and that's totally cool. But there are a few good reasons you might want to take this step.
Note: creating a user account doesn't mean you have to pay for Markup Hero. We have a free version of the service that only requires you to provide an email and password.
How to create an account on Markup Hero
Creating an account is simple and fast and free.
1– Go to markuphero.com
2– Click on the Sign Up button

3– Enter email and password; put your name if you like (optional)

Note: you will remain logged in until you logout or clear your cache.
Why to create an account on Markup Hero
There are several good reasons to create an account, here are some.
1– Unlimited markups
For users without an account, we limit the number of markups you can create to 10 per month. This might be enough for some people, but if you need to create more, then creating a user account will allow you to create as many markups as you can handle. This is the same for screenshots.

2– Accessing your extended history
All users get access to a history of markups and views. But those without accounts are limited to 1 day. That means you'll only be able to go back to old markups for 24 hours. After creating a user account, you'll see markups for the past 90 days. This includes markups you created and markups that were shared with you.
Note: We don't delete your markups for at least 90 days, so when you create an account, all your markups for the past 90 days will magically re-appear.

3– Duplicating markups that are shared with you
One unique aspect of Markup Hero is the ability to duplicate a shared markup and edit from there. This is useful if someone shares something they want feedback on from you and potentially others. Each person can duplicate the markup, edit or add their own annotations and generate a new share link. This feature is only available if you create a user account.

4– Uploading screenshots from mobile devices
In order to associate your markups across devices and between mobile and desktop, you must have a user account. Uploading from mobile to desktop is one use case that takes advantage of this capability. Read how to do this here.
5– Taking a website URL screenshot
Eventually Markup Hero will support all kinds of other files and sources, including just about anything you see on the web. For now, we have a limited feature that allows you to enter a URL and convert the page to an image you can annotate. This feature also requires you to have a user account.

And more to come!